Class:  “Genealogy Records—Where are They?”
In-person seminar

Pam Fujii and Nancy Moffett
Thursday, March 27, 1:00 - 3:30 pm
Santa Clara Central Park Library, Redwood Room (map), Redwood Room
Unsure where to start your genealogy research? This class introduces the key types of records you'll need to uncover your ancestors' stories. We'll also explore the FamilySearch Research Wiki, a powerful resource for identifying and locating genealogical records.

Learn to distinguish between sources and information and watch as we demonstrate how to search for records using a step-by-step research model. This session is designed to jump-start your research, helping you uncover hidden secrets and discover new places to look for genealogical clues.

Accessibility: If you would like to use one of the library's adaptive hearing devices, please email in advance.

Free and open to all. Pre-registration is required.

Registration is open as of January 27, 2024
